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Reading Tips:(60mins total): 

 It is found that some students find reading section difficult.

You will be asked to read three different passages and respond to related questions in your IELTS Reading test.These are taken from books, journals, magazines and newspapers. They have been written for a non-specialist audience and are on academic topics of general interest.They range from the descriptive and factual to the discursive and analytical.Each text might be accompanied by diagrams, graphs or illustrations, and you will be expected to show that you understand these too.A simple glossary is provided if the material contains technical terms.
There are 40 questions for 3 different passages.The time should be utilized and it is recommended to spend only 15 mins for 1st paragraph ,20 mins for 2nd and 25 mins for the last one.It is believed that the hierarchy of difficulty is likewise. But the type of question also variate the level of difficulty depending on students individual.
A variety of question types is used. You may be asked to
  • ->fill gaps in a passage of written text or in a table
  • ->match headings to written text to diagrams or charts
  • ->complete sentences
  • ->give short answers to open questions
  • ->answer multiple choice questions

  • Sometimes you will need to give one word as your answer, sometimes a short phrase, and sometimes simply a letter, number or symbol.It is essential that you write your answers on the answer sheet. Nothing you write on the question paper will be marked. You may write your answers on the question paper and transfer them to the answer sheet before the end of the test if you like. However, it is important to note that you will not be given extra time to do this.You must write your answers in pencil.

  • Advice:
  • look out for the title, headings and any special features such as capital letters, underlining, italics, figures, graphs and tables
  1. make sure that you understand the questions and follow instructions carefully
  2. pay attention to timing; do not spend too long on one passage or question
  3. do not try and read every word; remember, you are reading for a purpose
  4. if you do not know the answer to a question, attempt it but do not waste time; move quickly onto the next one
  5. do not panic if you do not know anything about the subject of the text; all the answers can be found in the text
  6. the word(s) you use must be taken from the Reading text; you must not change the form of the word(s) in the text
  7. do not worry if there is a word that you do not understand – you may not need to use it
  8. check your spelling
  9. be careful to use singular and plural correctly
  10. focus precisely on what you are asked to do in ‘completion’ type questions
  11. if the question asks you to complete the note ‘in the…’ and the correct answer is ‘evening’, just use ‘evening’ as your answer; note that ‘in the evening’ would be incorrect
  12. pay attention to the word limit; for example, if you are asked to complete a sentence using no more than two words, if the correct answer is ‘silk shirt’, the answer ‘shirt made of silk’ would be incorrect
  13. attempt all questions; there are no penalties for incorrect answers, so you have nothing to lose
  14. check your answers
  15. The key factor to score better is practice more and more.