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Speaking Tips:(14mins Approx)

The Speaking test is a face-to-face conversation with a certified examiner. It is as close to a real-life situation as a test can get. 
The examiner will ask you about familiar topics such as home, work or studies in part 1. This should help you feel comfortable when speaking. Try and relax so that you can speak as naturally as possible.
Take time before the test to practice speaking with a partner, friend or teacher.
Keep in mind:
  1. try to talk as much as you can
  2. talk as fluently as possible and be spontaneous
  3. relax, be confident and enjoy using your English
  4. develop your answers 
  5. speak more than the examiner 
  6. ask for clarification if necessary 
  7. do not learn prepared answers; the examiner is trained to spot this and will change the question
  8. express your opinions; you will be assessed on your ability to communicate
  9. the examiner’s questions tend to be fairly predictable; practise at home and record yourself
  • There are 3 type of question being asked in speaking test.
  • Part1: Simple questions based on likes/interest/personal information/etc
  • Part2: Topic Card ,speak more than 2 mins on a topic card given to you.In the topic card few sub questions are present and you need to answer all of them within 2 mins of time.You will also be provided with a pen and paper.You can make notes in the paper if you want and 1 min will be provided to do so.Use circle or some geometrical shape to highlight the major topic and the keywords of every sub questions answer should be pointed out with arrows.Talk about each keywords a little.
  • Part3: Questions related to a topic and you need to speak a longer time for each query. Don't hassle or panic.The questions are easy and try to use connectives and gap fillers while speaking.
  • Use proverbs if you can to make your speaking more appealing.